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Palaia EpidaurosSights: The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus

Το θέατρο της Επιδαύρου

   The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus

The ancient theatre of Epidaurus is the most beautiful and best-preserved in Greece. It has a capacity of 13000 spectators and is divided into two parts, 21 series of seats for the common people and another 34 for the priests and lords. Its unbelievable acoustics as well as the excellent state in which it stands have contributed to the establishment of the Festival of Epidaurus many years ago. Apart from many famous Greek actors (such as Alexis Minotis, Thanos Kotsopoulos, Anna Synodinou, Thanasis Veggos), the famous Greek soprano Maria Kallas has also appeared in the Theatre of Epidaurus.

Το θέατρο της Επιδαύρου

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