The Cotommatae 1810 is an Hydrian Captaincy Mansion of the early 19th century which was transformed to a boutique hotel granting moments of relaxation and well being. Careful interventions and workmanship by specialized collaboration lasted for 4 years and under the assiduous supervision of the 1st Committee of Byzantine and After Byzantine Antiquities so that the building would be properly restored and be adapted to its new practical use that is to say to a properly atmospheric Guest House which can offer comfort, relaxation and well being. Natural materials were used, exceptional architectural elements were maintained – such as the masterly ceilings of the hall and of the drawing room, the wooden walls, and the roofs made from chestnut tree and generally great significance was given to details.
The decoration features the use of authentic objects and furniture in combination with earthy colors and plain lines which render the warmth of wood and stone harmoniously. The respect towards the past as well as the history of the Mansion is depicted on the decoration and the modeling of the places while it marks out the unique and authentic character of the Guest House.
The Guest House consists of two floors and a mezzanine in between. It has a garden, courtyards, verandas, semi – open – air spaces, daedal corridors, stairs, passages and rooms. All this compose an exceptional experience for guests to stay. The Building has absolute autonomy with reference to the neighboring houses while in t he front part Κountouriotis plot of land and the one of Rafalias Mansion are situated and at the same time secure a comfortable stretch of land and the render the Guest House magnificent views of the town of Hydra and the local environmental character of the island as if being in the setting of a masterpiece.